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Los Altos - Los Altos Hills CA Real Estate Agents - Realtors - Homes For Sale - MLS - Home Values
Los Altos Hills is an affluent Silicon Valley residential community alongside beautiful natural landscapes and a rural lifestyle. Residents are drawn to this town because of the beauty of the areas rolling hills, picturesque valleys, and mild climate. Walking is the preferred mode of exercise and recreation in Los Altos Hills, with miles of pathways through the town that link up to the extensive trail system within the Rancho San Antonio Open Space preserve.
The Town of Los Altos Hills, incorporated in January of 1956, is located adjacent to the City of Los Altos. The primarily residential community of Los Altos Hills is 8.4 square miles in area.
Living in Los Altos Hills is like living in a national park. And for those that miss the city, San Francisco is only 39 miles to the north and downtown Los Altos is just minutes away. The pleasant country aspects of the Town remain as new housing is constructed to accommodate the needs and lifestyles of today's residents. As one of the wealthiest places in the Bay Area, Los Altos Hills presents luxury homes for sale with spectacular views of city lights, the San Francisco Bay and Mt. Diablo. Search our real estate listings for homes for sale in Los Altos Hills.
Los Altos homes are some of the highest-priced in the Valley. (See Los Altos Hills Homes For Sale)
Los Altos Hills Real Estate and Homes For Sale in Los Altos Hills CA - Los Altos Hills MLS
Do you know someone who is looking to move or relocate to Silicon Valley? Call us to view any of the available homes for sale or for help in finding the value of your home. Your Real Estate Neighborhood Specialist and area expert.
Los Altos Real Estate - Los Altos Hill CA Real Estate specializes in helping home buyers and sellers make good real estate decisions. Up-to-date MLS listings information, including listing descriptions, photos, school information, maps, statistics, virtual tours and much more. Your Information source for homes and real estate in Los Altos,Ca. 94022, 94024
Search the MLS and Find all Real Estate, single family homes, townhomes, condominiums and properties for sale, house prices and house values. Properties for Sale in Santa Clara County, California 94022, 94024
You can also search All Silicon Valley Real Estate and Homes for Sale. Find your homes Value and House Prices.
Los Altos Hills CA Schools
Los Altos Hills home Buyers can search and view all homes on the mls istings. If you are looking for Los Altos Hills real estate you will want a los Altos ca realtor who knows the local Los Altos Hills,california real estate market, Los Altos Hills community, local Los Altos Hills schools, Los Altos Hills parks, Los Altos Hills libraries, Los Altos Hills churches and the following Los Altos Hills areas:
Los Altos Hills Real Estate Areas:
Country Club Highland Los Altos Hills Los Altos Rancho Loyola Corners North Los Altos South of El Monte
Areas of Interest:
El Camino Corridor Foothill College Foothill Crossing Fremont Hills Country Club Stables Hidden Villa Park Hill View Community Ctr. & Park J. Gilbert Smith History House Los Altos History Museum Los Altos Library Rancho San Antonio County Park Rancho Shopping Center Village Court Woodland Plaza
Public High Schools in Los Altos:
Los Altos High (Location: 201 Almond Ave; Grades: 09 - 12) Silicon Valley Essential High (Grades: 09 - 12)"
Public Elementary/Middle Schools in Los Altos Hills:
Los Altos Elementary
Other Los Altos Schools: Almond Elementary (Location: 550 Almond Ave.; Grades: KG - 06) Blach (Georfina P.) Intermediate (Location: 1120 Covington Rd; Grades: 07 - 08) Egan (Ardis G.) Intermediate (Location: 100 W. Portola Ave.; Grades: 07 - 08) Loyola Elementary Elementary (Location: 770 Berry Ave.; Grades: KG - 06) Montclaire Elementary (Location: 1160 St. Joseph Ave; Grades: KG - 06) Oak Avenue Elementary (Location: 1501 Oak Ave.; Grades: KG - 06) Santa Rita Elementary (Location: 700 Los Altos Ave.; Grades: KG - 06)
Private Elementary/Middle Schools in Los Altos
Canterbury Christian School (Location: 101 North El Monte; Grades: KG - 6) Los Altos Christian School (Location: 625 Magdalena; Grades: KG - 6) Miramonte School (Location: 1175 Altamead Dr; Grades: KG - 8) Morgan Center (Location: 201 Covington Rd; Grades: UG - UG) St. Simon Elementary School (Location: 1840 Grant Road; Grades: KG - 8) Waldorf Sch Of the Penninsula (227; Location: 11311 Mora Dr; Grades: KG - 8)
“We are the Neighborhood Specialists and Area Real Estate Experts”
If You are looking for a Realtor, Real estate agent in Los Altos or Los Altos Hills of Santa Clara County you’ve come to the right place. Tell us what kind of home you are looking for and an exclusive Los Altos Realtor - Agent will review the latest area home listings to help find the perfect home for you!
Don Orason is a top, Los Altos Hills Real Estate expert agent and realtor, specializing in buying or selling newer or older homes. We are also experts in fine, luxury, expensive, million dollar, bank repo, foreclosure properties with lake, coastal or mountain views or city lights. We will provide any housing needs or assistance to search, find and buy, purchase your dream home for sale, and house for sale here, and in the surrounding cities with or without views.
Los Altos Hills Real Estate - Los Altos Hills Homes Realty - MLS Listings Los Altos Hills CA Real Estate and Homes For Sale in California Los Altos Hills Real Estate Agent Realtor - Los Altos Homes For Sale in Los Altos Hills CA Real Estate